ミュージックムーブメントエモーション / MUSIC MOVEMENT EMOTION



           Biodanza とは….






Biodanza よくある質問

1)  Biodanza とは?
Bios = 人生
Danza =意味のある総合的な運動
つまり、Biodanza とは人生を総合的にし、新しい意味を与えてくれる方法なのです。また、それはあなたから始まるのです。

2)  Biodanza はダンスではない?では、何なのでしょうか?

3) なぜそれは、人間の潜在能力の開発を促進するのですか?

4) Vivenciaとは何? & Vivencia5行とは何?
Vivencia とは今ある究極の瞬間。。
Vitality 活力=生命に直面する重大な推進力を感じること。
Creativity  創造性=私たちが各瞬間生活に適用しなければならない修復および革新の要素。Sexuality  セクシュアリティ=私たちの官能性からの要望および楽しみを感じること。Affectivity  情緒性= 一般、結束、感情移入および柔軟性に無条件の人類愛および生命。Transcendence 超絶=自我の力を克服し、生命と宇宙にもっと統合すること。

5) それは5(ファイブ)リズムに似ていますか。
非常に異なります。Biodanzaの目標は命との接続またはvivencia5行を利用した人間の潜在能力を呼び起こすことにあり、私たちの表現とtaletsより終身流れてくる5本のチャンネルである。それらは : 活力, 創造性, セクシュアリティ、情緒性、超絶です。


) 年齢制限はありますか?

) Biodanzaを行うのに、特に柔軟である必要がないのはなぜ?

8) 私はダンスをすることができません!
むしろ、踊れない方が、踊りを意識せずに動かすことが出来るので良いとも言えます。Biodanzaは、実際に非常によく知られているのに、教育された未知のものを呼び起こします。例えば、,,動いてはいけない,,  - ,,喋りすぎてはいけない,, - ,, 触ってはいけない,, - ,,泣いてはいけない,, - ,,何事も控えめに,,など。

9) Biodanzaは女性専用ですか?

10) 私は話さなければならないでしょうか。

11) 私はとても恥ずかしがりやで、自信もないのですが参加出来ますか?

12) グループはどのくらいの人数ですか?
グループは様々で、 5 -25-40までとなっています。

13) 初心者向けの Vivencia とは?

14) 何を着ていけばいい?

15) Vivencia には遅れて参加したり早めに帰ったり出来ますか?

16) 60歳なのですが、大丈夫ですか?

17) Biodanza は科学や哲学に基づいていますか?
音楽の効果はドンキャンベル(モーツアルト効果)のリサーチや経験から取り上げています。また、他にもJean Merleau, Fritjof Capra, Carl Gustav Yung, Claudio Naranjo, David Bohm, Alberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, Martin Buber, Siegmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, Mircea Eliade, and Wilhelm Dilthey, Jean Huoston, Daniel Goleman, Dalay Lama, Deepack Chopraなど哲学的、心理学的、科学的インパルスなど様々な分野、総合的心理などのスペシャリストや思想家などの考えからアプローチを受けています。

18) クラスを提供している先生が複数いますが、どこを選んだらいいの?
あなたの気持ちと直感を信じて!!万が一気になる場合は、いつでもInternational Biodanza Foundationであなたの講師が資格保持者かどうか確認出来ます。

Sistema Rolando Toro



....bringing out the beauty
                               within everyone....
...playing to communicate.....
    ...inventing emotions...
        ....refinding the pleasure to be...
            ...experimenting freedom...
                ...feeling at home...
                    ...to laugh a lot....
                         ....but it is also sweetness...
                             ...and tenderness...
                                 ...and welcoming...
...and to encounter onesself
                                       in the sensibility...


See More
Feel More
Experience More of Life


The Dance of Communication.....
 .....communication without words
& with movements that heal

A Right Brain apporach to the Left Brain world


The most frequently asked question regarding Biodanza

1) What does Biodanza mean?

Bios = Life
Danza = integrated movement full of meaning
So Biodanza is to move life in an integrated way that gives new meaning and this starts with you.

2) Why is Biodanza not a dance & What is it?

Because it,s goal is not to teach dance movements but to allow participants to rediscover
the pleasure of expressing oneself, of communicating and of moving in harmony with the
own soul. We propose dances and exercises but the class is to reawaken our often times
lost vital link with life. The link we need to be healthy, to create, to enjoy the simple daily life
pleasures again: the link we need to love and to feel part of nature and the cosmos.We
dissolve the rigidities and stress that we carry in our bodies. It is the dance of life and is a real
way to discover more of yourself. We work with the 3 levels of connection with life, with oneself -
to feel the flame of life in your chest, with another companion and with the whole group.

3) Why does it promote development of the human potentials?

Because it allows to get to know and to develop all potentials which each person has
in the main area of their lifes which are Vitality, Sexuality, Creativity, Affectivity and Transcendence.

4) What is a Vivencia & What are the 5 lines of Vivencia

Vivencia is an ,,intense moment lived in the here and now,,
Vitality = is to feel the vital impetus to face life
Creativity = is the element of renovation and innovation that we must apply each moment of our life
Sexuality = is to feel desire and pleasure from our sensuality
Affectivity= is the unconditional love for humanity and life in general, solidarity, empathy and tenderness
Transcendence = is to overcome the force of the ego and integrate more with life and the universe.

5) Is it similar to 5 Rhythms?

It is very different because Biodanza,s aim is the connection with life and to awaken the inner
human potentials through the five line of vivencia, which are five channels through which our
expression and talets flow during our whole life. They are : Vitality, Creativity, Sexuality,
Affectivity and Transcendence. Biodanza is not free dance to express for example your
anger in a cathartic way, no, when we express this strong energy it is in a creative way
that has a big meaning in the persons existence.
The closest parallel are maybe some of the five rhythms dances, and the creative and
expression workshops that are commonly available to students enrolled in professional
acting or dance schools. There are also some similarities with contact improvisation.
However, Biodanza is very unique and you will only know once you participate.

6) Am I too old?

No - because it is about feeling music and movement from your heart and I am sure you can
do this very well. Biodanza is not about being the best dancer or following steps it is about
connecting with life.
 The workshops accept all kind of people from 18 to 100 years old!
If you suffer any kind of medical conditions, please ask your doctor if this class is
suitable for your and pls inform your Teacher in advance of the class of any particular
or serious medical condition you may have, so you may get the best advise before

7) Why one does not need to be specifically flexible to do Biodanza?

Because in Biodanza we do not teach to dance or to imitate the teacher, but rediscover
with the help of the music, the pleasure of gestures and expression which will raise our
feelings and improve our communication.

8) I cannot dance !

No Problem at all - if you can walk, you can dance. Any one who can move can participate.
Actually, if you can not dance it is better because you move with freedom as opposed to
knowing how to dance and dancing how you know. Biodanza awakens the unknown that
really is very well known but has been educated out of us, when we are told for example,
,,don't move,,  - ,,don't speak too much,, - ,, don't touch,, - ,,don't cry,, - ,,don't be too much,,

The exercises are based on simple movements, some more energetic, some softer. There
are no steps to learn and the class is non-competitive. If you have a specific disability, injury
or illness, phone or inform the facilitator in advaance of the class and she/he can advise. Our
suggestion is, you do what you can do and you don't do what you can't..."....it is all about
enjoying the moment.

9) Is Biodanza only for Women?

Biodanza is frequented by men and women, which through the experience of deep encounter
have the emazing possibility to meet and to rediscover reciprocally their intimicy.

10) Will I have to talk?

There is a brief introductory talk at the beginning of each class. However, during the class we
recommend not to talk, as our aim is to do all the talking ,, through the body".

11) I am terribly shy and have no confidence can I still come?

Absolutely, it is a very safe environment where you have to do nothing but be yourself, the
exercises are explained and demonstrated and the whole group then dances, nobody judges you.

12) How big is the group?

The groups are mixed and can range from 5 -25-40. There are not limitations in the
quantity and they may only exist to the type of workshops, the venue and any particular
characteristics of the group..

13) What is a Vivencia for Beginners?

It is a workshop appropriate for people without or brief previous experience in movement and dance.  If you have not done Biodanza or attended for less than 2-3 months on a regular basis you may consider yourself a beginner.

14) What should I wear to the class?

You should wear something loose like tracksuit bottoms anda t-shirt. The main thing is that
the clothes are not restrictive and too tight and the classes are normally barefoot. Avoid long
or tight dresses, watches and big jewels.
15) Can I arrive late for or leave the Vivencia early?

We suggest to arrive in time and do all the exercises from the very beginning, as this will help
you warm up your muscles in a progressive way with the rest of the group. Because the
Vivencia is a total experience from the beginning to the end, we would suggest to the
participants not toarrive too late or leave the Vivencia too early, unless it is absolutely necessary
to do so. If you need to get out of the class for any reason, please do so quietly, respecting
the atmosphere of the class. We also recommend not to leave the Vivencia for a long while.

16) I am 60 years old - is it for me?

Yes, because it is about feeling music and movement from your heart and I am sure you can
do this very well. Biodanza is not about being the best dancer or following steps it is about
connecting with life.

17) Is Biodanza rooted or based on science or Philosophy?

We induce movements and exercises that have the consequence of releasing specific hormones and neurotransmitters. In this way we can find biological basis in the method. This exercises are carefully selected and delivered to the participants and have direct effects improving wellbeing, relaxation,stress releasing, softening of the ,,rings of tension and bodily armours,, and fluidity in our movements. The effect of the music is taken from the researches and experiences of Don Campbell (Mozart Effect). Other philosophical, psychological and scientific impuls had been taken from the many branches of what we can generally call the,, embodied mind,, approach, taking care if the intellectual input of thinkers and researchers like: Jean Merleau, Fritjof Capra, Carl Gustav Yung, Claudio Naranjo, David Bohm, Alberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, Martin Buber, Siegmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, Mircea Eliade, and Wilhelm Dilthey, Jean Huoston, Daniel Goleman, Dalay Lama, Deepack Chopra, among others.

18) There are several teachers offering classes, which one should I go?

All qualified facilitators and teachers are usually supposed to give their very best. However,
it is up to you and your affinity to the teacher. What is a very good teacher to someone
might be not the appropriate teacher for somebody else. It depends where you are in
your soul journey. Sometime we need to go through certain experiences with some
people to get to know, how to be or not to be in a certain way or to become or not to
become. There are times you might meet facilitators or teachers which are lacking
integrity and only out for their biggest gain.  We are all energy and you will  be attracted to
the person who is in the same frequency then you .Who has the same values, purposes,
higher calling....what ever that is.....good or bad......all will match your frequency and sooner
or later you will know if it does not match your needs,  follow your heart and intuition!!....if
you have doubts you can alwasy check through the International Biodanza Foundation,
whether you are dealing with a qualified Biodanza facilitator or teacher.

Sistema Rolando Toro

Disclaimer: We make no claims, promises or guarantees with regard to specific health challenges, nor does we diagnose nor treat these health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.)